A Journey Towards Impactful Content Creation

Luimar Silva
3 min readJun 8, 2023


May literally flew by and I just realized that the last time I published an article was about 40 days ago. It feels so good to be writing an article again!

However, I continued sending FastFavs, my weekly newsletter. After sending the latest edition — which was published yesterday, I accessed my notes and went through my own backlog of title ideas. None really inspired me.

Then something subconsciously came up — writing about writers who inspire me. Don’t ask me why. Maybe because I just rewatched Tim Urban’s Inside the mind of a master procrastinator TED earlier in the week, I don’t really know but my creative juices started flowing.

I then asked myself a fundamental question: Mark Manson, Tim Ferris, Tim Urban, Flavio Augusto, Chimamanda Adichie, Brené Brown — why do I admire them so much?

Mark Manson has a raw and honest approach which makes his content super relatable. Tim Ferris is a guru in lifestyle optimizations and efficiency. Tim Urban has an incredible sense of humor and his own view on how procrastination works… I thought about all of them. Flavio Augusto is a rockstar entrepreneur who shares his trajectory like a few authors can. Chimamanda Adichie for her contributions towards promoting understanding and challenging stereotypes and Brené Brow for her extensive research on vulnerability.

I then started scanning through their blogs, and videos and went into a deep reflection as to what made them so sticky. I looked at their title choice, article length, tone, structure, and publishing frequency, looking for the secret.

What I found out? Everyone had their own writing vibe, and most often I didn’t necessarily find the most sophisticated diction in their articles. So what was it?

My question still had no answer. As you imagined already — or maybe not, I went to ChatGPT.

I threw their names on the chat and posed the question:

What do all these authors have in common, and how can one build that?

ChatGPT then told me what was somehow obvious. In summary, it all came down to how authentic they are, and the unique perspectives they share on specific subjects.

“That’s it!” I said. Also not complex — I thought, yet it might be extremely difficult.

One of the major pleasures I have in life is sharing lessons learned from experiences I live, with the end goal of providing value to any soul out there. My favorite writers achieved just that, at least in my life, and that’s what I call impactful content.

Relevant, engaging, authentic, relatable, and actionable.

Therefore, as I become more conscious about my own writing, I plan to be more authentic by allowing myself to be vulnerable, bringing my unique perspectives by voicing out some thought-provoking ideas I have, being more consistent in publishing without feeling insecure about my silence, and of course, keeping the fire burning by continuously exposing myself to this amazing earthly experience called living.

Thank you for reaching the end of this article and making this journey fulfilling — I really appreciate it!

Article originally published on my blog: https://luimarsilva.substack.com



Luimar Silva

Exploring my passion for entrepreneurship ― and documenting everything I learn along the way. Original posts: www.bit.ly/luimar