How I Plan To Read More Books in 2023

Luimar Silva
2 min readDec 23, 2022


Perhaps this is something Luimar from back in 2014 would not have said, but I genuinely love reading today.

It helps me quiet my mind, challenge my own perceptions, relax and learn — all at the same time, in a way that perhaps no other activity can.

As the years pass and I am exposed to unique opportunities and find myself in challenges I didn’t face before, reading has transitioned from a hobby to being primordial for my professional and intellectual development.

Interestingly enough, the more commitments, I got, the less I started reading. I moved from reading nearly 30 books per year to struggling to finish 5.

For 2022, I even set a whole plan. With a breakdown of which books I would read, when, and why. Perhaps you can already guess, it did not work too. I ended up reading less than 50% of the list.

What I did differently though, was have a closer look into the reasons why for the past 2/3 years I have been struggling to accomplish my reading goals.

And the reason is: I started reading from my phone.

At some point back in 2016/ 2017, I started having books piling up, and since I already loved listening to books on my phone. I decided to read them on screen as well — worst mistake.

The phone screen is way too small, and therefore, although unconsciously, it requires a great amount of effort to follow through multiple pages of any book.

Additionally, after a few minutes of staring at the small fonts on the screen, my brain is exhausted, eyes are drained, making it difficult to read for long periods and have a relaxing experience — as I would reading a physical book. Not to mention the random messages and unexpected calls that pop up.

So for 2023, I am not adjusting my reading goals. 1/2 books a month is still a realistic and relatively easy target. I will adjust how I am reading them. Except for audiobooks (of course), I go back to reading physical books.

For 2023, I will start with my 2022’s reading list and add new ones. Do you have any recommendations? Share with me in the comments section below!



Luimar Silva

Exploring my passion for entrepreneurship ― and documenting everything I learn along the way. Original posts: